Dan Barrett - Biography
Daniel majored in Fine Art at Laney College in Oakland, 1971-1973 and Humboldt State University in Arcata, 1976-1977.
Dan has twice had paintings accepted into The California Watercolor Association’s Annual International Juried Show.
Originally from the San Francisco Bay area, I have been a working artist living on the Mendocino Coast since 1997. Artists who have influenced me include Bill Synder and Bill Martin for encouraging me, Marilyn Simandle for saying all watercolor painters should join their local figure drawing group, Bob Ross for reminding us we are learning to see, and John Rutherford who said, "I always start with the head."
Dan has twice been commissioned to create works of art for Sister Cities in Japan. In 1993, Valejo, CA Sister City, Akashi and in 2017, Fort Bragg, CA Sister City, Otsuchi.